Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Compassionate Communication workshop at Christ Church United Methodist. KPCC is presenting a ten week series.
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Nice email received!

Hello Sky,

My name is Steve Costello. I am a United Methodist pastor serving in the East Ohio Conference. My sister, Shelly, lives in Nitro, WV and she recently attended your class “Compassionate Communication”. She was really moved by the class, the stories you told and the basic concept you are teaching. So, the next day when we were on the phone, she told me about it.

I am interesting in learning more. I live near Cleveland, so I won’t be able to attend your class. But, I will be in Nitro for Thanksgiving and I’d like to meet you at that time if that would work for you – perhaps the Friday after Thanksgiving.

Hi Steve -- Thanks for your enthusism! We are enthusistic too! Check out our friends in Southern Ohio at -- Sky