Saturday, January 16, 2010

First week of internship

First, I would like to say that I wish I would have spent my entire week at Kanawha Pastoral Counseling center; I love the warm and welcoming environment and people. Prior to my observation of a Non-Violent Communication (NVC) group, I was given and had the opportunity to read a portion of Rosenberg's book, Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life. I have enjoyed the book and learning about the NVC model. This, applying the model, is something that you want to learn and learn how to apply it "right now," because you know it could be beneficial in all areas of your life (with coworkers, friends, spouse, children, etc.).

I had the opportunity to sit in on the NVC group that is held at the center at noon on Mondays. It was wonderful to meet one of the more dedicated participants of the group that believes in the effectiveness of the model. When you read something, you think, "Is this as great and effective as it sounds?" This gentleman answered that question with great enthusiasm. During the group things that I had read were discussed, concrete examples were given, and how to apply this model to difficult situations was more clearly explained.

I am excited about learning more about NVC, and even though, I am a bit nervous about the requirements of my internship, I am also very excited about growing personally from the experience.
