Thursday, August 28, 2008

CC Mini-Intensive coming Sept 12-13

Having stress about kids going back to school? Want to bring more calm and order and peace into your life? Our Sept Mini-intensive is an excellent opportunity to get a big dose of the language of Compassionate Communication.

Compassionate Communication Mini-Intensive
Fri, Sept 12, 7 - 9pm and
Sat, Sept 13, 9 - 12 noon
at KPCC (16 Leon Sullivan Way, Charleston),
Suite 310, 346-9689 x15
(Fri $20, Sat $30)

Click here to view the registration form for the Mini-Intensive

Led by KPCC-CC staff

Rose Ann Hefner
Sky Kershner
Ann Martin
Diana Masso
Sabrina Rollins

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Weekly Pick-up Group - Starts Sept 15

Rose Ann Hefner will be hosting a new weekly drop in practice session~!

Please join us anytime you want to sharpen your skills!

Weekly Lunch-time Pick-up Practice Sessions – Free
Every Monday, 12:05 - 12:55 at KPCC - Starting Sept 15, 2008
16 Leon Sullivan Way, Charleston, Suite 310
hosted by Rose Ann Hefner
346-9689 x15
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Friday, August 1, 2008

Presenting NVC in Boulder

Sky presents NVC at International Mind-Body Conference

Smiling participants of Kershner's workshop

Kershner, Director of KPCC, presented today at the Hakomi Institute's 2008 Conference in Boulder, Colorado. The Hakomi Institute promotes a
body-centered method of doing therapy, developed by the internationally renowned therapist and author, Ron Kurtz. Hakomi is a word from the Native American Hopi tradition meaning a relationship with all realms (mind, body, spirit, community). Author John Bradshaw has called Hakomi "the absolute cutting edge of modern therapeutic technique."

Kershner's presentation "Developing Limbic Resonance in Couples using Nonviolent Communication" explored ways that couples can deepen their connection by become more mindful of their core needs and shinning the light light of consciousness on their choices of words when negotiating. Nonviolent Communication, developed by Marshall Rosenberg, seeks to help individuals develop a better heart connection with others and with ones self.

The conference was held at Naropa University and was attended by over 150 participants from the US, Canada, Australia, and Europe.