Thursday, August 28, 2008

CC Mini-Intensive coming Sept 12-13

Having stress about kids going back to school? Want to bring more calm and order and peace into your life? Our Sept Mini-intensive is an excellent opportunity to get a big dose of the language of Compassionate Communication.

Compassionate Communication Mini-Intensive
Fri, Sept 12, 7 - 9pm and
Sat, Sept 13, 9 - 12 noon
at KPCC (16 Leon Sullivan Way, Charleston),
Suite 310, 346-9689 x15
(Fri $20, Sat $30)

Click here to view the registration form for the Mini-Intensive

Led by KPCC-CC staff

Rose Ann Hefner
Sky Kershner
Ann Martin
Diana Masso
Sabrina Rollins

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