Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Spring NVC Communication Workshop


I am very excited to announce our Spring NVC Workshop, March 25 & 26, 2011 in Charleston!

Jeff Brown from Columbus will again be our facilitator.

The title is Developing an Altitude of Gratitude and is designed to help deepen the participant's ability to express and receive gratitude in their lives.

Our Fall NVC Communication workshop with Jeff Brown for Columbus had 50 participants and was very well received.

For more information and to register on-line, click here

Please help us get the word out!


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Kanawha Pastoral Counseling Center
16 Leon Sullivan Way
Charleston, West Virginia 25301

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

KPCC's Annual Valentine's Day Survey

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February, 2011
better_relationships 4
Happy Day after Valentine's Day

How was your Valentine's day
keeping love alive - Feb 2010 2

Adventures in Gratitude
Charleston Non Violent Communication Event
Mar 25 & 26 2011,
with Jeff Brown

jeff_brown at kpcc nvc 2KPCC will be hosting a weekend training in Non Violent Communications in Charleston, featuring Internationally Certified NVC Trainer, Jeff Brown.

Jeff will be with us Friday and Saturday, Mar 25-26, for the day-and-a-half workshop.

Space is limited to 50 participants

Click here for more info on how to register

Rev Sky Kershner on Love and Laughter
Sky Kershner 2010 6
KPCC continues its study of Valentine''s Day in the Charleston area.

So many expectations, so many chances for disappointment, yet our survey results once again show how many responders had wonderful Valentine experiences.

Click here to see last year's survey results

Click here to take this year's poll

jr standing  Humorist Jeanne Robertson
   Hold the Date! Oct 18, 2011

   Humorist Jeanne Robertson joins us at the next
   Dent Dinner

   A benefit of Kanawha Pastoral Counseling

   Click here for more info

Radio KPCCjeanneK outdoor photo(2) 9

Join Jeanne K Cochran and our KPCC therapists as we discuss issues related to life, love and wholeness. Current show include: Depression, Anxiety, Addictions, Post-Traumatic Stress, Marriage, Teens and Children, Hoarding and Clutter.

Click here to listen to our recent shows.

KPCC Staff

KPCC_staff_2010(2) 2

KPCC continues doing what
it does best, providing quality counseling, at an affordable cost, with sensitivity to a spiritual understanding of life.

We are

We help ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances

Call us if you or someone you know could use a little extra help!


Welcome Jim

Jim Binder MD 12-2010 2
Dr. Jim Binder joins the counseling staff of KPCC. Jim specializes in couples and Redecision Therapy.

KPCC Board

kpcc board jim jf

The KPCC Board continues to be committed to the mission of providing counseling at an affordable rate to everyone.

Board President, Rabbi Jim Cohn and Rev JF Lacaria

KPCC Board
Tel: (304) 346-9689
Email: info3@kpcc.com

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Kanawha Pastoral Counseling Center
16 Leon Sullivan Way
Charleston, West Virginia 25301

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